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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1312
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2022 .15 .6411
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15،
number In Volume 5،
issue Number 75
A study of the influence of the Shah Shoja’ on the poems of Hafez and the poetry of the eighth century
Zakhrafkhani Semeskandeh (Author in Charge), Mahmoud Abedi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Shah shoja’ (733-786 AH) is the most prominent king of the Muzaffar dynasty and one of the greatest kings of the eighth century in Iran. He was interested in poetry, literature, and the training of scholars and poets, and had gathered many of them at his court. He is the main audience of Hafez"s poems. In this article, we intend to discuss the role and influence of Shah shoja’ on Hafez"s poems. For this purpose, while introducing Shah shoja’ and expressing his role in the scientific and literary process of the eighth century, we presented two newly found sonnets from him and these two sonnets in terms of style with two sonnets from Hafez who welcomed these two sonnets of the Shah Brave is composed, we compared.
METHODOLOGY: The present study is a theoretical study in the form of library research. The area and community studied are books on eighth-century history, literature, and poetry, as well as manuscripts that include poems by Shah shoja’.
FINDINGS: Remained Arabic and Persian poems and also letters from Shah shoja’ demonstrate his cognition of eminent poets such as Sa’adi and Ferdowsi. He also annexed some poems from these poets. Furthermore, Shah shoja’ was proficient in poet criticism.
CONCLUSION: Shah Shoja "as a cultured audience and people of taste and literature, in addition to understanding the poems of Hafez and other poets, has not been ineffective in their formation and type of poetry; In such a way that Hafiz has composed two lyric poems in response to his lyric poems, Informed Salman Savoji has changed his ode due to criticism of Shah Shoja’ and Ezz al-Din Motahar has guaranteed five verses of the verses of the brave king in his ode.
Muzaffar dynasty
, Shah shoja
, poetry
, poem
, eighth century
, Hafez
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